20 Oct 20
Job Support Scheme (From 01/11/20)- Replacing Job Retention Scheme
The new scheme works as follows:
- Runs from 1 November for six months until 30 April 2021.
- The employee MUST work a minimum of 1/3 of their normal hours, unless your business has been forced to close by law.
- For any hours not worked, this cost is split 1/3 government grant, 1/3 employer pays, 1/3 the employee loses.
- Employees need not have to have been on the old Furlough scheme.
- The new scheme does not cover any Employers NI or Pension costs.
- Claim periods operate on a monthly cycle and are paid in arrears (after the pay run has been filed), and claims can start from early December.
- The employee must have been on the employer’s payroll on or before 23 September 2020.
- If your business has been forced to close by law the Government will pay the additional 1/3 of hours that they would normally have had to work under the scheme.
- The Government has said employers can top up the wages of staff ‘furloughed’ under the expanded scheme. However, further guidance is still awaited on this.
If somebody worked 30 hours a week normally and received £1,000 per month.
They would be paid 100% for the 10 hours worked each week (30 x 1/3)
The remainder would be split 3 ways. (1,000-333.33) = £666.67
Government grant (666.67 x 1/3) £222.23
Employer pays (666.67x 1/3) £222.23
Employee loses (666.67x 1/3)
Employee receives £777.73
What do DonnellyBentley need to be able to submit a Job Support Scheme Claim?
- If we haven’t already submitted a Furlough claim for you, please let us know and we will send you a quick form to complete.
- For each employee; whether or not you wish to claim under the scheme.
- For each employee; hours normally worked in that month (not weekly), Hours actually worked in that month.
Read the DonnellyBentley article here >>>
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